MTCRE (MikroTik Certified Routing Engineer)
- Duration : 3 Days
- Time : 09:00-17:00
- Language : English
- Format : Off-Line
- Certificate : Yes

Category :
Price :

This advanced training will be focusing on building a routed network using Mikrotik equipment. With routing, you could make your network to be scalable, manageable, and secure, eliminating unnecessary NAT on internal network. Topics that will be covered in this are static routing, OSPF, load balancing, VPN, and VLAN.
- Knowledge of MTCNA
- Laptop with WiFi and Ethernet ports. If your laptop is non-windows based (e.g. Linux, Mac), then Winbox must be installed and working before join the class.
- One CAT5 cable, min length 1m
- lunch
- snack
- certificate of attendance
- certificate of MTCNA (if student pass the exam)
- printed training manual
- mikrotik level 4 license (1 unit)
- Standard MTCRE curriculum
- Enrichment materials
- Best practices mikrotik implementation
This course is aimed at people who already use Mikrotik RouterOS and wants to implement/manage a routed network.
Achmad Mardiansyah
(Linux and Mikrotik Certified Consultant and Trainer)
A telecommunication and IT engineer, passionate in UNIX/Linux, Data science, IT, Programming, Telecommunication and Networking technologies. Has more than 15-year experiences in app developer, networking and system administration, in Indonesia and overseas, especially in telecommuniation environment. Familiar with Network Architecture, NOKIA HLRi, Apertio/OneNDS, HSS, Radius, and web technologies. A fast-learner, and always willing to learn new technologies. Holder of CCNA, SCSA, SCNA, RHCT/RHCSA, LFCE, MTCNA, MTCRE, MTCWE, MTCTCE, UEWA, UBRSA, UBWA and Mikrotik trainer and ubiquiti trainer certifications.
Rahayu Roesmini
(Business Development GLC Networks)
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