PHP Essential
- Duration : 4 Days
- Time : 08:00-17:00
- Language : English
- Level : Intermediate
- Format : Off-Line
- Certificate : Yes
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PHP is a popular programming language that you can use to write simple code for web pages. If you have been using HTML to develop websites, learning PHP will allow you to create dynamic pages. In this course, learn the fundamentals of PHP
- Basic HTML
- Basic CSS
- lunch
- snack
- certificate of attendance
- printed training manual
Topic 1 Get Ready
- Install Apache, PHP and MariaDB
- Install Sublime Text
- Embed PHP in HTML
- PHP and HTML Comment
Topic 2: Data Types
- Variables
- Number
- String
- Boolean
- Array
- Associative Array
- Null and Empty
- Constant
Topic 3 Operators
- Common Operators
- Compound Operators
- Increment/Decrement Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Logical Operators
- Operator Procedure
Topic 4 Control Structures
- Conditional
- While loop
- Do While Loop
- For loop
- Foreach loop
- Continue & Break
Topic 5: Function
- Function Syntax
- Return value
- Default Argument
- Multiple Return Values
- Variable Scope
Topic 6 Getting Data
- Data Sources
- Get Method
- Post Method
- Include
- HTTP Header
- Cookies
Topic 7: MariaDB Basic
- Basic database concept
- Create/Delete database
- Create user
- Create/Delete/Show table
- CRUD in MariaDB
Topic 8 Using PHP to access MariaDB
- PHP API for MariaDB
- Connecting to MariaDB
- MariaDB query
- Fetching data
- Creating record
- Updating data
- Deleting data
Topic 9: File I/O
- Reading a file
- Writing a file
Topic 10: Object Oriented Programming (Optional)
- Class & Object
- Constructor Function
- Destructor Function
- Inheritance
- Function Overriding
- Member Types
- Interface
- Web designers who want to learn the basics of PHP Programming
- Web administrators who want to learn the basics of MariaDB
- Website owners who own a CMS website and want to be able to modify the functionality.
Achmad Mardiansyah
(Linux and Mikrotik Certified Consultant and Trainer)
A telecommunication and IT engineer, passionate in UNIX/Linux, Data science, IT, Programming, Telecommunication and Networking technologies. Has more than 15-year experiences in app developer, networking and system administration, in Indonesia and overseas, especially in telecommuniation environment. Familiar with Network Architecture, NOKIA HLRi, Apertio/OneNDS, HSS, Radius, and web technologies. A fast-learner, and always willing to learn new technologies. Holder of CCNA, SCSA, SCNA, RHCT/RHCSA, LFCE, MTCNA, MTCRE, MTCWE, MTCTCE, UEWA, UBRSA, UBWA and Mikrotik trainer and ubiquiti trainer certifications.
Rahayu Roesmini
(Business Development GLC Networks)
There is no shortcut to success